Retiring Leave Now

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Truss's first project, from over five years ago, was an iOS application called Leave Now. At the time, it was pretty neat stuff; reading your calendar data, trying to determine event location and travel time, and letting you pick how you were going to get somewhere on a per event basis. We learned a lot about production mobile applications: how to deal with location, power efficiency, poor network stability, useful crash reporting, and useful customer error reporting. We even learned that sometimes you have to get in a car and drive around with a laptop connected to a phone in order to reproduce particularly tricky location bugs.

We also learned that if you're not careful, you can get very carsick debugging location bugs.

Today, most of what Leave Now does is built into iOS and it's no longer neat; it's expected from modern calendar software. Therefore, as of August 17, 2018, Leave Now will no longer be available in the App Store.

If you are using the built in Calendar app on iOS, you can use the built in Leave Now feature by going to Settings > Calendar > Default Alert Times and making sure that Time To Leave is turned on. This will enable notifications for any event in the Calendar app that has a location. You can add notifications for specific events by tapping Alert in the detail view. You can change your default transportation type from Driving by going to Settings > Maps and setting Preferred Transportation Type.

Thank you for supporting Leave Now <3