Madison Ross-Ryan

Research and Design

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Madison is a User Experience Designer originally from Chicago and currently living in St. Louis. She holds a BFA in Graphic Design from the University of Illinois at Urbana­Champaign, and is continuing her education in through the University of Pennsylvania's Executive Program for Social Innovation Design. She has a rich background in design consulting, and has worked with Fortune 500 companies for the past four years in industries ranging from finance to automation. She's also worked in a variety of experiences, including native apps, responsive web applications, progressive web apps, and virtual/augmented reality. Madison cares deeply about respecting her users as humans, and relies heavily on learning from lived experiences through qualitative research techniques, as well as understanding intended versus unindented consequences of design work. She's interested in service design and the full user journey outside of just digital interventions. Outside work, Madison is a UX Lead with Code for Chicago, mentors designers on ADPList, and frequently returns to her alma mater to help guide junior designers on their paths after graduation. She's a dog mom to her corgi Meatball, and spends (probably too) much of her time planning her upcoming wedding.